Sitemap - 2022 - More Than A Feilding
Low expectations of the man from Botany
Prizegiving at Kia Kaha Primary School
Rolling the dice with death and Covid
Blow is just a figure of speech
From Breakfast TV with Mike Hosking to InfoWars with Alex Jones
Up and not crying, proud to be carrying on
Coming out of your pockets under a National Govt: $50,000. Ask me how!
Winston Raymond Classified Peters picks up his shovel
What is possible and what can never be
Handing out the campaign McNuggets
A problem from Queenstown to Cornwall
One foot in front of the other
A little something for the reckons constituency
Road safety morning at Kia Kaha Primary School
Christopher Luxon's zipless fantasies
Doing precious little of anything
You’re supposed to be a shining city on a hill, America. What the Fox News is happening to you?
Official opening of The More Than A Feilding Community Centre
Humanity will always be all of those things; hippos, gazelles, cheetahs, warthogs, Elon Musk
Something to get your teeth into
Finnish morning at Kia Kaha Primary School
Follow me to the Members Lounge
The rueful regret for not spending money 30 years ago
Pandemic-era material deprivation blues
Why the media loves a baseless BBQ reckon
Try to have fun, no matter what you do
Not knowing you’re leaving for the last time
The most dangerous moment in human history
Ripping yarn of the week and also the entire 19th Century
How to make magic by just listening quietly and writing it down
Go there before they burn it down
How to live an absolutely worthwhile life without being the slightest bit worthy about it
Don’t look at me, I voted for Efeso
Rip-offs and scum-suckers and cheats and people John Key would vote for
The string gets pulled, and the magic phrases tumble out
What you get when you shake the Voter Tree
If that ain't love then tell me what is
Which of the four ways do you want to have it at once?
An Illustrated Guide to Wayne Brown, Aged 76
Vote like your life depends on it
Breakfast at the Non-Woke Journalism Greasy Spoon Cafe
A decent non-bludgeoned New Zealand
The mood outside the boardroom
No-one wants to get nuked or erupted on
Penguins, a giant Orca, and a dully revolving drum
Here, have some hardcore fantasising
The days have a glow these mornings
Just too catnippy and clickbaity to resist
Dance like no media's watching
Misogyny morning at Kia Kaha primary school
Man who put word through blender
This Is Your Brian On Facebook Drugs
A week of masking up, a week of unmasking
Using our words and not our fists
No no mate… put your talking points down
Hush hush, whimper who dares, Christopher Luxon is saying he cares
Open the throttle, be the real deal
Facebook! There's a blast from the past
A plan that will for sure work and could not be more clear
Never trust anyone trying to pull an LBJ
Aloha wherever you are, or say you are
Story morning at Kia Kaha Primary School
We put a bear in the window and waited for the Great Depression
These mighty beasts are undisputed kings of the planet and nothing can ever change that
Every unhappy sausage factory is unhappy in its own way
Pounding angrily upon the front door of the media entity known as NZME
School holidays at Kia Kaha primary school
In the 21st-century your daily media is alive! Alive with reckons!
The power and the glory of the biblical politics
A short history of not thinking about tomorrow
We really are punching ourselves in the face above our weight
Utterly alone in the universe but surrounded by COVID and utes
As clear as the mask on your face
I can't see it, therefore it's not real
And now the businesses who just wanted to go back to normal are finding this option does not exist
Making accommodation for these ludicrous vehicles
One has not been altogether impressed by Mr Johnson
For now just a wave, maybe one day a tsunami
I have no appetite, no stomach, and no time, for Lions, Christians and popcorn
Someone else whispers “joined up IT systems”, and a hush falls over the room
This is how we make a new and better direction
It was a coup, and he fully intended to lead it
Heaps of learnings going forward
The beautiful idea of Matariki
All four arguments have failed
Doxxing, intimidation, selfishness, thumbs on butchers' scales, Molloy and whatnot
At a certain point you have to ask: just who is the risk taker here?
She didn't know any of those things, he said, and now she knew all of them.
Charmless people all over the show
Wariness in the time of plague
Opportunities for all, apply within.
Looking sideways at the Ferrari driver
Media studies at Kia Kaha Primary School
More words for hello than snow
How to not be a suck-up, and also how to spell prosciutto
Floating through benighted times
Things I Choose To Believe Because It Is Much Too Inconvenient To Believe Otherwise
Shame on every two-bit politician who puts winning ahead of being moral and decent and just
Test Your Taxpayers Union Knowledge, Wash Your Hands Afterwards
Farewell to the kind of government only a Murdoch could love
The Book of the Hopeless Pinkos
But when will we ever give ourselves permission to bust out, eh?
In hard times we can be asked to make hard choices
Best wishes to nearly everybody
All we are saying is give peace and masks a chance
Grow a pair and put them on your ute
Have you decided who you will vote for?
A method in the madness of the thinkin'
Respect at Kia Kaha Primary School
The party that pledges to comfort the comfortable
The deification of billionaires
Learning your language at Kia Kaha Primary
Another round of interviews, another round of playing back the biggest howlers
Converting every try and winning every Americas Cup
A four day break was nice; a forty day break would be even nicer probably
Drama Day at Kia Kaha Primary School
And an outside bedroom for each beloved car
Every country has its own mafia
Time for hot cross buns and a bit of a lie down
You don't call something Public Transport if it has a Koru lounge
As god is my witness I had no idea it had anything to do with Twitter
Union bad, free market good. Me say this out loud enough time, me believe this
Biking should not be a life or death gamble
The end of the world and Luxon in the driver's seat
Don't have to be a Maitre D to know which way the wind blows
Of all the ways to lose your business
Another week of hermit life, another week of dog whistles
Runned over by a damned old train
The virus is a scam and she should swing
Passionate about bottom feeders
Maybe we've had our last lockdown. Maybe we haven't.
It is not possible to deliver a cost-free pandemic
Consideration can be hard to come by
Something moved me deep inside
The life cycle of the politician
Who gets heard the most, who gets the most attention?
Here comes Paula Bennett with a Click and Collect reckon
Visit Aotearoa! Kidnap a Kiwi egg!
Profits come and go, greed is a constant
Blue-green feminist-patriarchal non-haired-Jesus
Aotearoa's Worst People: The Season Finale
Solidarity, comrades! Fluff, fluff, fluff
Film Review day at Kia Kaha Primary School
Not so much I Have A Dream as I Have A Booking
Some people will be exemplary and some will be hurling excrement
Not a snowball's chance in hell
Police or Molesworth St Childminders?
We shall fight them with the speeches
Girls would turn the colour of an avocado
We hold ourselves back from saving ourselves
How is it faring, the People’s Lawn?
A reality show called New Zealand’s Stupidest Person
Back to school at Kia Kaha Primary
Emerging blinking and slack-jawed from their defiantly illegally parked vehicles
Our Covid media coverage. A hotel photo essay
Nothing but warm summer harmony here in Aotearoa
The drunk man's word is what you heard
Well that’s the last variant, y’all can come back out now
Big ideas, images and distorted facts
Up against a slippery operator, still
Special Vaccination Day at Kia Kaha Primary School
The future of cars is electric, but our future is not cars
Just what are they playing at?
The Book of Jacinda and Clarke
The assassins are in the bushes