"Five minutes or so of The Extremely Heated Debate Between People Living Here And People Who Are Not, round 94. I just tentatively offer this point: this state of things is probably not forever, and if it is, well god help us all. Assuming borders open again in a year, perhaps two; would having to wait, or defer, or miss out, if it comes to that, necessarily be too high a price to pay in a time of crisis? Unfairness is everywhere in this, it's too much to hope it to be otherwise. Isn’t getting to the other side with the least amount of harm what matters most?"

Well put!

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Thanks man. Hope you’re doing well over there.

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Well... with opinions like this, won't be coming back any time soon ;)

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Thank you David. Great stuff (small 's')

Wonderful writing, pertinent, no crap, deadly serious and very very funny🙏

Warm (too warm) regards 🙂

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And to you Michael. Really appreciate it.

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Loving it David... and timely, my Dad just emailed me saying ‘is it just coincidence that on first day of the campaign my news is bombarding me about 2nd wave and why now- ps nat voter

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Cheers Tracey! Your Dad knows the score. 😎

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