Just been down the road to Ruakaka and passed several NZ Public Party signs. Bit of a tinfoil wearing brigade around obviously. The signs say, amongst other meaningless things like Protect our freedom, - “Time for outcomes for our people”. What mindless person thought that one up? It has no meaning whatsoever. A party built on fear, xenophobia, stupidity and conspiracy theories that has got into bed with a disgraced politician who has shown both through his political and personal actions that he is unethical and immoral.
Thanks for another amusing Blog - tyake it easy with the hamstring - maybe a bit of pilates would help. . Let's talk about Thorley. Yes he has an MA in Public Health - but his studies and publications have all been in areas not very relevant to pandemics - too much sugar in soft drinks, scabies. He seems to be trotted out on talk-back radio when they need an 'expert' but is he really - or is he just going along with those whose agenda he supports. He appears to be the darling of Plan B crowd and I suspect he is the expert Reti refused to name.
Just been down the road to Ruakaka and passed several NZ Public Party signs. Bit of a tinfoil wearing brigade around obviously. The signs say, amongst other meaningless things like Protect our freedom, - “Time for outcomes for our people”. What mindless person thought that one up? It has no meaning whatsoever. A party built on fear, xenophobia, stupidity and conspiracy theories that has got into bed with a disgraced politician who has shown both through his political and personal actions that he is unethical and immoral.
Thanks for another amusing Blog - tyake it easy with the hamstring - maybe a bit of pilates would help. . Let's talk about Thorley. Yes he has an MA in Public Health - but his studies and publications have all been in areas not very relevant to pandemics - too much sugar in soft drinks, scabies. He seems to be trotted out on talk-back radio when they need an 'expert' but is he really - or is he just going along with those whose agenda he supports. He appears to be the darling of Plan B crowd and I suspect he is the expert Reti refused to name.
you mention influencers without mentioning the funniest most cringe insta ever: https://www.instagram.com/influencersinthewild/
Very entertaining as per usual.