Saturday 11.01am
Glorious glorious spring morning.
Haven't had a run for seven days, because pinged hamstring. Haven't had a swim for two weeks because pool closed by plague.
More than a day without exercise kills me. Damn I need some exercise.
Saturday 11.02 am
Damn I need some exercise.
Saturday 11.04 am
Pulling on the gear, doing vast amounts of stretching.
Saturday 11.15am
Beautiful out here. Taking it nice and easy, loping along, hamstring seems to be okay with it.
Saturday 11.24am
Hamstring says: Yeah nah.
Never mind, can still walk.
Glorious glorious spring morning. Can't even work up usual indignation at people who somehow know something unknowable about laws of physics as they come along the footpath towards you: two, three, four, five abreast, plus dog, plus lead to take up whatever remaining gap might otherwise exist for someone coming towards them.
I mean, when I’m running I just treat myself as the mortal hazard and veer out onto the road.
But I'm the civilian here. No? Guess I’ll just veer out onto the road.
Saturday 11.34am
Never mind the misanthropy. Glorious glorious spring morning.
Walk along the beach, walk on up and over the maunga.
Any kind of exercise and vitamin D is what the body and soul craves.
Saturday 2.00pm
Glorious glorious spring afternoon and oh my lord what's that reflecting off the enormous PWC mirror glass? Huge, it is. Dazzling. Wonder if it'll show up if I take a photo?
But I think my camera is showing me what's going on. It's a sign! A secret signal! A cue for the few clued among the sheeple who know that agenda 21 and 1080 and 5G have all been yoked together in some unholy masked alliance by Bill Gates.
Professor Paleo Pete’s not getting fooled by any of it, and neither should the rest of you. We’re not letting them drain our brains while we’re sleeping. Time to gather brothers, the time is now, see you at Britomart if you value your freedom. Now get your boots and your coat for this Weird Ass Posse.
Simon Thornley has also picked up the message from the PWC tower and it looks like he's into it, bought a phone just for pictures of this Weird Ass Posse
Jesus you don’t need this brain death in a pandemic. But also, let’s bear in mind what an actual big crowd of motivated En Zedders looks like.
Spare a thought also for enablers of this who have opinions for money on the radio and in the NZ Great-Uncle Gerald objecting indignantly that they’re being shouted down for daring to disagree. And who also keep saying, on said outlets day after day, I continue to be shouted down for daring to disagree, back after these messages.
Yeah nah. You’re just being reminded that shouting fire in a crowded cinema doesn’t make you a freedom fighter.
Bit of a drum beat going. The number of new cases is not as small as a nation might like and are we ready to go down to level 2?
Worth remembering that last time we came out of lockdown we still had cases in the community. Worth remembering that there’s a whole lot of low-tech stuff we can all be doing to stop the virus from spreading: wear the mask, wash the hands, use the app.
What matters is that everyone does it. All of us.
Influencers taking photos all day: you just have to take a few more- point your camera at the QR code on the way in,
Nighttime drinkers and partiers: you know when your mate throws up and it’s hilarious but all the same after that you all stand a couple of feet away from him? Do that with everybody, all day long.
People with a mouth: here’s our time to shine. A mask is no more hassle than a seatbelt and it can make all the difference in the world. And wearing one don’t make you a pussy.
Just been down the road to Ruakaka and passed several NZ Public Party signs. Bit of a tinfoil wearing brigade around obviously. The signs say, amongst other meaningless things like Protect our freedom, - “Time for outcomes for our people”. What mindless person thought that one up? It has no meaning whatsoever. A party built on fear, xenophobia, stupidity and conspiracy theories that has got into bed with a disgraced politician who has shown both through his political and personal actions that he is unethical and immoral.
Thanks for another amusing Blog - tyake it easy with the hamstring - maybe a bit of pilates would help. . Let's talk about Thorley. Yes he has an MA in Public Health - but his studies and publications have all been in areas not very relevant to pandemics - too much sugar in soft drinks, scabies. He seems to be trotted out on talk-back radio when they need an 'expert' but is he really - or is he just going along with those whose agenda he supports. He appears to be the darling of Plan B crowd and I suspect he is the expert Reti refused to name.