Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Another perceptive column, thanks David.

God knows I'm no fan of breathless over-hyped reporting but maybe it's time we adopted a war footing, if for no other reason than to hammer home the point we're all in this together & it is ONLY by collective efforts that we will get back to a new normal.

The very marked difference between what's happening now (and over the past 40 years) and WW2 is that the elite feels it doesn't have to engage in the collective because adversity doesn't apply to it. In the Pacific GHW Bush was shot down & John F Kennedy had his PT boat sliced in two. Kennedy's older brother was killed in action. That generation was immensely privileged but did its duty. Now the same can't/won't even offer rent relief put its hand in its pocket without wailing "But, the Economy" as if the virus would go "Okay give me a billion and I'm outta here". It's frankly sociopathic but still we're stuck in 1984 listening to Prebble/Hosking et al.

Rant over.

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Damn but that’s so right. Thanks Terry

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

The comments from the Flight Center chap were abhorent ....

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Yes, I am really, really sickened. And to this "the odd person will die"..

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Let me be the Covid with landing rights up YOUR nose then.

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MY nose? Sorry, I don't understand your comment

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Believe he’s talking back to Turner

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I'm talking to the Master of the Universe Flight Centre guy.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Thank heaven... I hyperventilated for a.minute, rereading what I'd written to make sure I hadn't been inadvertently rude.

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A question for him "who in your family are you OK have die"?

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. We have some years of coming to terms with Covid yet, but the first step is to vaccinate as high a percentage of the entire population as possible.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

'interruption of their highly agreeable life inconvenient and disagreeable' Well as the planet warms some of us may be able to live at some high level of comfort & ignore everyone else. Tho this pandemic is just a gentle warning the way of live, taken for granted is in all probability OVER.

And the quicker we adapt to changing planetary conditions, we may be able to survive longer than a couple of hundred yrs.

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Damn straight

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

It beggars belief that such a heartfelt plea is needed, but it is. It is truly awful that the media keeps trotting out a certain kind of businessman who is prepared to let people die so they can 'get on with things'. My fear is that the media, unwittingly or not, are laying the ground for this to become acceptable-as it has elsewhere. We must not allow this to happen; so that hospital care remains available to all.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

That's the yardstick alright - "ensure the hospitals are there for us when we need them" and that covers capacity to cope with non-covid hospitalisations as well. We need to do it together, we can't expect the government to somehow solve it all for us. Let them work with experts and communities to set the ways and provide resources and let us put on the big pants and do it. Whay you said in fact but with grace and humour :)

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

The Flight Centre guy actually wants to see more people die than the Christchurch killer did, but he can't be charged with anything. If the Chch creep had actually been noticed by our security services during the planning stages, and there had been enough public pressure, I'm sure he would have been charged with something. I'm probably a bit thick, but I can't really see the difference.

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Reminding me of Woody - Yes, as through this world I've wandered

I've seen lots of funny men;

Some will rob you with a six-gun,

And some with a fountain pen.

And as through your life you travel,

Yes, as through your life you roam,

You won't never see an outlaw

Drive a family from their home.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack


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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Another thoughtful And today sobering) epistle - thanks David.

After weeks of reading rabid posts proclaiming that all of us who take the jab will die soon leaving the world to those in the know, I was amused to read today's text on the back page of the Herald: "Blessed are the meek ..." This is gospel proof that those Covidiots are quite wrong - for they are anything but meek.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Thanks DS, on the button.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by David Slack

Hear hear.

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