I think we may have been voting for an oversupply of housing so that rent-trapped young couples wanting to start families no longer have to find that the bottom of the ladder is too high, or that their only aspiration is to by an ancient cast-off rental deemed by a landlord to be too expensive to improve to today's basic standard. A big oversupply built by lots of shiny new tradies so that the 40,000+ who came home will stop affecting the demand side of the equation and people don't have to live in garages or cars. A huge oversupply that modernises and raises the quality of our housing stock so the landlords find that first home buyers no longer want to purchase their cast-offs. I hope that's what we voted for, pretty sure I did. With the prospect of more government bonds bearing negative interest rates there can be no better time to start than right now.


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As if the result weren't enough joy and love of country for one weekend, we have More Than A Fielding ! Poor 'Shrew-dith'. Quite deserving.

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"... maybe she will take her cue from two phrases she has been using: accelerate our response is the first and build consensus is the second. The second can be the absolute enemy of the first ..."

Jacinda and her teams have demonstrated integrative thinking - they say AND not OR - hence stopping the virus AND rebuilding the economy. Accelerating does not have to be about cutting corners or missing important details. Consensus does not have to be about endless committees. It can be about building agreement as the process unfolds. The way WE (the team of 5M) willingly turned our lives upside down - in our personal and collective interests - at very short notice is the most obvious example. So - let's keep moving!

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"Presented with such a short runway I elected to throw rocks at the planes" Best line ever.... LMAO

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