It’s a crying shame your writing was dropped from that media outlet while certain unnamed dropkicks remain on the payroll.

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Cheers Roger. On the plus side I get to publish as soon as it’s written and nothing gets asterisked. 😎

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Jeez yes, arguments worth reciting time and time again

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Yes an open transparent consultation ensuring those special voices are heard is important likewise the opportunity has to be available in the right environment in order for those voices to freely express themselves without being openly judged is important as is debunking any assumptions.

Enjoyed your reading about your time at the Brunswick the front bar used to be a regular stop on Saturday afternoons carrying the shopping back to the Flat on the Tce, very friendly pub and the staff always made it so.

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Best one yet (well actually they’re all very good). When’s the paid subscription coming! I want to contribute.

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Yes. Love that you have so succinctly articulated what i bang on about in '000s of misunderstood words.

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*You* wrote a good book on this sixteen years ago! (for others — "Bullshit, Backlash and Bleeding Hearts")

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Love the term pop up leader!

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Great writing David. I think this needs to be the leaflet drop, not that other toilet paper. And that’s doing a disservice to toilet paper.

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Beautifully written

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