Happy Birthday Dave & Karen! It's been a good day for inequality, or at least a good start. Even when the arithmetic is dodgy, your hot takes are always exactly right. My favourite read, every day. Have a fabulous evening.

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Happy birthday youngsters (even if one of you is a pensioner)!

Gawd - is Peter Williams trotting out the old "they didn't have the wheel" bollocks again!

Here is what I wrote 10 years ago in 'New Zealand by Design' - p.23:

It is not surprising that Maori did not invent the wheel. Nobody did. The wheel evolved. The most likely scenario, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere, began with the hauling of heavy loads on sleds by large animals. The first improvement was to place roller logs under the sled runners. It was eventually observed that the loads on logs in which the sled runners had worn grooves travelled further with the same effort. Decreasing the diameter of the groove, or axle, then increasing the diameter of the part in contact with the ground were logical progressions over time. Although Maori did use rollers to transport large trunks to be carved into waka this was not a constant activity, so the wearing down process did not occur.

Also on p.32-33:

An account from 1801 may explain why the wheel had not evolved in Aotearoa. A wooding party from the Royal Admiral had failed in its attempt to shift kahikatea trunks across marshlands either with a timber carriage or with rollers over a slab road. In return for axes and red cloth, local Maori laid down flax, hauled the timber to the riverbank and helped build rafts to transport the logs to the ship.

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Happy Birthday to both of you. So glad we have you here to keep us sane David.

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Happy birthday David and Karren. I'm an avid reader and my maths sucks, so I found no fault with yesterday's column. Live long and prosper.

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Happy Birthday to you both. You’ve had a hell of a year - nice to see you firmly back on the mend Dave. Fingers crossed that you get your birthday present and Hosking heads to Oz. In those sage words from Muldoon, it’ll raise the IQ of both countries.

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Many Hippo Birdies to you 😁

I cannot think of a better '76 throwback than Lionel and the Lads. That track would beam into my childhood room on my dad's valve radio all the way from Casey Kasem via 2ZM ... ❤

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Happy birthday to you both 🥳

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Happy birthdays to all four. Karren, David, David's heart attack, and the whittled remainder of David's prostate.

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Happy birthday all! However, you may need to add some nuance to your enthusiasm for the far horizons being peered at by Ngai Tahu. They've been chopping down pine forests and replacing them with dairy farms throughout Canterbury. And they would have a lot more cows if they hadn't failed to get consents for dairying on the huge chunks of the Balmoral forest they felled. That's about as climate-unfriendly change of land use as you can imagine...

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Via Google, "Sidney Boyd Ashton is the unassuming Pākehā (chartered accountant) from Merivale who was the first chief executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. And the man many (guessing Tipene might differ) credit for setting the iwi on its way to success after settlement."

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