Thanks for the recipe but I was more interested in the recipe that goes with the photo that preceded it (laundry powder, dishwasher powder, cat food and paprika), who you have locked up in the basement and what you hope to get out of them; I assume the smoked paprika is to mask the taste of the cat food? And please get your subscription process up quick smart so I can throw money at you as I did to David Farrier recently.

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I am passing the time learning old big hair heavy metal power ballads and trying to grow my hair!

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Novus Glass! Get out of my head! Creepy, dark and full of prurience.

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Songs in the past tense? - Blue Smoked?

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How about ‘Love Hurt’? Or maybe ‘’They Didn’t Leave Town Until They Saw The Country’? And don’t bother with the chocolate fish, if it isn’t Whittaker’s it isn’t chocolate.

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Am feeling curiously optimistic about the state of our media, with the break up of Bauer, the exit of Fairfax, and the online offerings that are emerging. Would happily add this to my paid subscriptions. Just saying.

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