Aug 19, 2021Liked by David Slack

I had no cheese so I made a tamarillo clafouti. As you do.

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by David Slack

Thankyou. For summaries of my thoughts for the day and inducing FOMO re cheese puffs (alleviated by the provision of the recipe)! It's so cool to be reminded that there really are lovely people out there (cheese puff photos!) Perfect 😍

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by David Slack

Thank you, David, for the report. Hoefully this afternoons' report will lead to more positive news... and your AUT law prof must be feeling pretty stupid after AUT is named as a place of interest, eh?? Thankks for the recipe.. if there's any cheese left at the supermarket... Thanks, again.. we will get through this.

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by David Slack

OMG! Those cheese puffs! TWO cups of grated cheese! I am so impressed. Daily protein, right there.

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Further to cheese puffs. David, have you read Ben Aaronovitch's 'Rivers of London' books? They could be just the job for you in your convalescent state. A combination of police procedural and witchcraft. Funny and clever. Great characters, one of whom, Abigail, forms a bond with the talking foxes of London by bribing them with baked goods, cheese puffs, no less. These did include a hint of thyme, which might be a pleasing addition to your recipe.

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by David Slack

That cheese puff recipe was in the Herald this morning!

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by David Slack

Amy Benjamin immediately made me think of another Benjamin - Nuremberg Trials prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz (interviewed by Kim Hill late last year). He's 101 years old, still intellectually sharp, passionate about justice, and knows exactly what the heck a 'crime against humanity' actually looks like.

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I liked AUT better when I was ATI and I learned how to weld. I also remember an Engineering Professor in a mechanics lecture at U of A, saying he wouldn't take a roll call because we were potential professionals, unlike the rabble across the road. Being a Physics student, I took issue with his class prejudice. These days I just hope that, if I'm ever up before the beak again, my lawyer won't have got their degree at AUT.

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Matthew Parris was a fsckwit Tory MP back when they were relatively thin on the ground (God, that makes me feel old), and he hasn’t improved since losing his seat.

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Lecturing on International Law 😂😂😂😂 just mask up to keep everyone safe xx

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