Aug 30, 2021Liked by David Slack

Went to get my second test during isolation yesterday. Had to wait on the footpath. People, unmasked and yelling into their phones, strode by very close, while I tried to shrink back into a stone wall....not very successfully. Honestly, WTF are people thinking??

I am appalled at the behaviour of at least two political parties (do I need to name them?) who seem to be filled with aliens, who are working steadily against whatever the Labour Government does, and so, against the people. We are definitely at war. The enemy can breach the walls at any time. What then? The blame game? Finger pointing? How bloody useless!!

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by David Slack

Their polling has told them go negative and bugger the consequences. Divide the nation and bugger the consequences. As long as we get more than 25% in the polls - that's all that matters. Only if NZ fuck this up, do National have a chance of gaining power in the next election, so bugger the consequences.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by David Slack

How do any of them sleep at night?

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by David Slack

I remember once, about to go off yet again to a country plagued with malaria, saying to my gp that I might not bother with malaria prophylaxis this time because of possible side effects. No problem he said and handed me a book with a marker on the page with the side effects of Larium and on another which detailed what malaria does to you. Your choice he said. I read both pages . Taking the drug was so far and above the lesser of two evils that I did ...

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A new low indeed. Hosking is resorting to playground bully tactics because he knows he has no way of 'winning' if he behaves like anything resembling a mature adult.

I thought you might comment on Pop-up Leader's intention to pop-down to Wellington on the grounds that she is an essential worker. Surely this is the thin edge of an 'if-her-job-is-essential-then-so-is-mine' wedge. I look forward to seeing her scoring an own goal at question time tomorrow.

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I absolutely get where reader Jono is coming from: fixed views can be dangerous, doubly so in a crisis.

But that's exactly why I'm prepared to put a high degree of trust in Ashley B, Siouxsie Wiles, Michael Baker, Rod Jackson etc; and for that matter Anthony Fauci. As new evidence has emerged all of them have changed their views in significant ways since February 2020 (masks, flattening the curve vs elimination, airborne vs touch infection as major vectors). Michael Baker has gone from "the evidence just isn't there on masks" to being one of their strongest advocates.

The problem is that being prepared to change your views as the facts change gets held against you, particularly in parts of the media. The MoH, and the government when they take informed advice, repeatedly face accusations of wavering or not knowing what they're doing.

It takes strength & humility to wear that, along with the personal attacks these genuine experts take so often, and be prepared to change your analysis again and again as the facts change - to acknowledge you were wrong. So I'll stick with them, and chuck my vote in the direction of the party that takes that kind of expertise into account when making decisions.

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Thank you, you have been able to articulate a whole lot of things that have been festering away for days a whole lot better than I ever could. WTF is wrong with people.

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The economic drought must be heading north and getting worse, on my walk last Wednesday I encountered approx 80 people just 10% were masked up

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BTW, excellent use of research funds, James Cook University..😹

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Another gem, Thanks David.

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