Re the covid app, for which I'm being a consistently good girl the way my Mum and Dad taught me, I reckon we need some kind of hip as hashtag for the interweb social things and we need influencer types taking selfies while scanning so as to make into A THING, because truly WTF is more important than helping to keep us all safe and free given the hellscape nearly everywhere else in the world and people can show off all the fab or not so fab places they go, in the same way that people like to post selfies with the meals they've cooked or eaten, although not me cos a bowl of steamed cauli with grated cheese isn't much to brag about, which is why I can't think of a good hashtag and won't be taking selfies but still will be scanning and wishing so hard that everyone else was too. Here's my feeble attempts - surely someone can do better than this? #selfiescantobeagoodegg #selfiescantostopcovid #scantosavelives
Re the covid app, for which I'm being as good a boy as my memory will allow, but I'm making every effort and also using the manual entry feature later on when I forget, I reckon what we don't need is civic authorities to throw open all the extra doors of their community facilities and declare that, because it's only level one and tracing isn't mandatory any more, that it's not their problem so they don't need to encourage people to use the app, as long as they've put a QR code by the door then they've done their bit and it's not their problem, and organisations that use their community facilities and want to encourage people to use the app will just have to deal with it because the extra doors have to stay open now, even if they're not staffed. True story. A certain big civic authority doesn't care if covid has been to visit, it's level one now, so everything beyond minimum effort is optional, and if someone comes in the side door and doesn't use the app, that's not going to create an issue at all. No, not at all, because scanning isn't mandatory any more, so we don't have to do anything about it. Yay
Back in the good old days we had a flat up in Hawker St near St Gerard’s. If we has a party we’d get a keg from the Regent Hotel in Courtney Place together with maybe four dozen glasses. The last time we took them back the pub had been demolished in the interim. What luck!
Re the covid app, for which I'm being a consistently good girl the way my Mum and Dad taught me, I reckon we need some kind of hip as hashtag for the interweb social things and we need influencer types taking selfies while scanning so as to make into A THING, because truly WTF is more important than helping to keep us all safe and free given the hellscape nearly everywhere else in the world and people can show off all the fab or not so fab places they go, in the same way that people like to post selfies with the meals they've cooked or eaten, although not me cos a bowl of steamed cauli with grated cheese isn't much to brag about, which is why I can't think of a good hashtag and won't be taking selfies but still will be scanning and wishing so hard that everyone else was too. Here's my feeble attempts - surely someone can do better than this? #selfiescantobeagoodegg #selfiescantostopcovid #scantosavelives
Re the covid app, for which I'm being as good a boy as my memory will allow, but I'm making every effort and also using the manual entry feature later on when I forget, I reckon what we don't need is civic authorities to throw open all the extra doors of their community facilities and declare that, because it's only level one and tracing isn't mandatory any more, that it's not their problem so they don't need to encourage people to use the app, as long as they've put a QR code by the door then they've done their bit and it's not their problem, and organisations that use their community facilities and want to encourage people to use the app will just have to deal with it because the extra doors have to stay open now, even if they're not staffed. True story. A certain big civic authority doesn't care if covid has been to visit, it's level one now, so everything beyond minimum effort is optional, and if someone comes in the side door and doesn't use the app, that's not going to create an issue at all. No, not at all, because scanning isn't mandatory any more, so we don't have to do anything about it. Yay
"...though I did walk up some stairs a couple of days ago" Gold :)
Spot prizes great, was going ask if 'The Coachman' was pioneer TV chef Des Britten's place but asked Google and indeed it was.
Interesting how the media got the mood of Taranaki voters so wrong
Is your Geoff your brother? If so, I flatted with his wife, Marilyn in Roxburgh st Mt Vic
Back in the good old days we had a flat up in Hawker St near St Gerard’s. If we has a party we’d get a keg from the Regent Hotel in Courtney Place together with maybe four dozen glasses. The last time we took them back the pub had been demolished in the interim. What luck!
So you did know who Aaron (Do you know who I am?) Gilmore was! His political future seemingly doomed from the start...
Todd McLay "Maybe he can take the new crew down there for a drink" - But National have no new crew, do they?
BTW I got a message that you have to reauthenticate me, and thereupon you sent me 18 reauthentication emails. Fortunately they've stopped now!
YIKES! Sorry! When did this happen?
Just before I wrote the comment, maybe 10 minutes ago?
I'll ask support what might have happened.